Barry Caldwell

A clever marketing team can create any kind of impression. But clients can best describe what we do, how we help, and who we are.
"We’ve spent our fair share of time and money on management consultants with mixed results. In the 12 years Bob Marcus has been engaged with our leadership team I can say unequivocally that he’s been worth every minute and every cent. We’ve benefited tremendously from his approach, knowledge, insights, candor, integrity and grace as he’s helped us tackle strategic issues affecting the business. His Performance Leadership Team approach to identifying and addressing business challenges is ingrained in our organization, and has become integral to our leadership development program. In short, Bob is and remains a valued and trusted partner to me and our organization."
"I have known and worked with Bob Marcus for 25 years. The bottom line is that he, along with the highly talented team at Nvolv, will make your business better -- with better performance delivered by better leaders. That has been my personal experience in multiple businesses at very different points along their maturity curves. Every time I work with Bob, I come away thinking differently about the challenge and the opportunity in front of me, which makes me a better leader."
"Many organizations do a terrific job creating 'strategies' and in some instances retaining people to help create them. Sadly...many of those so-called strategies wind up on someone's desktop as part of the 'we tried that before' compost heap – not because those strategies were poorly thought through but rather the implementation, the 'how do we do it' of those ideas, were not. In my career I have met and worked with a number of consultants and technical resources who have made invaluable contributions to the work and projects they were retained for. And while that catalogue is thick...at the very top I would place Bob Marcus. Bob's knowledge, experiences and expertise culled across a wide span of industries and geography and applied against strategy implementation (and its attendant change management requirements) are without parallel. Working with your team, Bob's genius is knowing how to align and activate the organization to get strategies implemented, successfully. His approach is unique in that he makes the work experiential – influencing your own 'being,' not just your own 'doing,' and getting leadership teams to grow and realize their personal and organizational summits. On a personal level, Bob has been a mentor, coach and terrific learning partner, always pushing me to develop continuously and embrace the discomfort of 'Brutal Truths.'"
"Bob and his team have been invaluable, trusted thought partners for me and the Allstate executive team for many years. Their ability to provide candid feedback, coaching and counsel in a manner that resonates is superior to their competition. The engagement and expertise of their team are unmatched—they are consistently the first to come to mind when seeking to enhance the effectiveness of our executive team!"
"I have had the opportunity to work with Bob Marcus on several occasions over the past few years. Bob and his team helped Zebra to plan and execute two recent Global Leadership Meetings. Bob personally provided great counsel and advice to the Zebra Leadership Team on these initiatives. Not only in the development of the meeting agenda and content, but more importantly, in how we message and conduct the event as a team with added emphasis in the areas of sensitivity to the shadow we create as leaders and the perception that cascades from that view throughout the business. The outcome was two well executed events with tight alignment across all our key staff, resulting in a refined strategic platform along with added focus and improved execution."
Russell Reynolds Associates acquires leadership consulting firm Nvolv, joining forces to increase the depth of both firms' impact in advising and coaching CEOs and C-suite executives. Nvolv leaders bring more than 30 years of experience as proven thought leaders, change strategists, executive coaches and process consultants, making the business a natural fit to complement RRA's renowned leadership advisory services.